Puppy playing with leafPuppy playing with leaf

Best Fence for Pets

The SafetyPup Fence Family

Aluminum Fence for Pet Owners

As a pet owner, we understand you have different concerns when it comes to choosing a fence to keep your furry friends safe.

That is why Jerith has created a full line of pet fence options to meet your needs and budget.

We recommend a 48” fence height at a minimum. If you have a larger dog, we recommend 60” or taller especially if they are prone to jumping.

The second option you have to consider is picket spacing. For very small dogs and puppies, we recommend a reduced picket spacing to prevent them from squeezing through the pickets.

For this need, we have several options. For small dog breeds, choose a fence style with either full height reduced picket spacing or the SafetyPup picket style, which features reduced picket spacing on the lower half and standard picket spacing on the top half.

If you have a puppy that will eventually grow large enough to not fit through the picket spacing, we recommend a standard picket fence with our SafetyPup mesh that can be attached and removed to your Jerith fence as needed.

Our Residential Grade Pet Fence Lines Include:

Jerith Liberty (SafetyPup Style):

  • Picket 5/8" square (.050" wall)
  • Rails 1" top (.055" wall) - 1" side (.060" wall)
  • Posts 2" square (.060" wall)
  • Heights: 48" & 60"

Jerith Legacy (Reduced Picket Spacing):

  • Picket 5/8" square (.050" wall)
  • Picket Spacing 1 5/8" (standard is 3 13/16")
  • Rails 1" top (.055" wall) - 1" side (.082" wall)
  • Posts 2" square (.060" wall)
  • Heights 36", 48", 60" & 72"

NEW Jerith Premier (Reduced Picket Spacing):

  • Picket 3/4" square (.050" wall)
  • Picket Spacing 1.61" (standard is 3.97")
  • Rails 1" top (.055" wall) - 1 1/2" side (.080 wall)
  • Posts 2 1/2" square (.075" wall)
  • Heights 48", 54" & 60"

Available Colors: Black, Bronze, White

Jerith Fence GradesJerith Fence Grades

Special Styles for Pets!

  • Liberty SafetyPup Pickets

    Narrow picket spacing at the bottom of the panel.

  • SafetyPup Mesh

    Removable mesh that attaches to an existing Jerith ornamental fence.