Fence FinialsFence Finials

FencCoat Finish

Jerith’s Powder Coated Finish

Jerith’s FencCoat powder coating system produces a high quality, long-lasting finish that is also environmentally friendly. FencCoat is far more durable, fade-resistant, and scratch-resistant than other types of fence coatings, including other standard powder coatings.

The powder coating on your new fence has been tested to endure 3,000 hours of harsh salt-spray and humidity resistance, as well as 5 years of continuous exposure in coastal environments without failure.

Similar tests performed on other aluminum and steel fences have shown that their coatings cannot withstand 2,000 hours of salt-spray and humidity testing, and their finishes fade dramatically after just 1 year of coastal exposure.

We are confident you will love the FencCoat finish on your new fence and that it will last for as long as you own it.